- Final Report on SSAP-WS for UT of J&K.
- Revised_Draft SSAP Report (V1).
- Response to comments received on Draft SSAP Report.
- Draft SSAP Report.
- Constitution of New Working Cell.
- Inception Workshop & Attendance.
- UTLSC Meeting & Attendance.
- Constitution of Committees-UTLSC & UTLMC.
- List of Nodal Officers of Stakeholder Departments.
- Payment Schedule.
- MoU_ Jal Shakti Department-IIT Jammu.
- IIT Jammu-Nodal Agency.
- UTSAP-2050-Draft Template.
- MoU-Jal Shakti Department - NIH Roorkee.
- Constitution of Working Cell.
- Nomination of Nodal Officer & Nodal Agency.